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About Author

My name is Anshul Rana. I am a professional PC builder, Technology Writer, and Electronics Engineer. Since my childhood, I have been most excited about technology. I loved opening up old Radios, Phones, Televisions, etc, and seeing what was inside them. After my senior secondary in 2013, I pursued an Electronics and Communication diploma. There I got deep into circuits and their working principles. I loved studying fiber optics, digital electronics, circuit design, C Language, computer architecture, and many other subjects.

Here I am with my 2nd-year project which was an advanced alcohol sensor for drivers. This image is from 2014.

Anshul Rana in 2014 with a college project
This is me in 2014

Then after my diploma, I went for a job in SEO because I couldn’t secure a placement in my field. I worked as a Junior SEO Analyst for around a year and gained a good knowledge of how On-Page SEO works. However, I was still looking for a job in the field of electronics. Fortunately, I got it pretty easily in a manufacturing plant. I was designing and implementing circuits there. I worked mainly in the LED drives and CCTV section of the plant.

However, at the same time, my friend introduced me to blogging. He showed me his blog and guided me on how I can share my knowledge on the internet. I started my first blog explaining tricks for Android and Windows devices. It didn’t work. Then I started a software blog. It didn’t work again. At the same time, I was building computers for my friends along with some writing gigs. During COVID, I learned how to pick and build computers based on user requirements and pick the right components like CPUs and RAM. In 2020, I built my computer with an Intel i5 12600K.

I also upgrade laptops and computers with new components and also overclock them. I have taken my 12600K to 4.8 GHz. Here are pics of some of my latest upgrades.

Now, with all my knowledge, is a new start to providing in-depth insights and expert advice on consumer-level storage solutions. I have plans to answer most of the unanswered questions on the internet about personal storage solutions. I may cover enterprise-level storage solutions but that is the plan for the future. The main focus is just on the computers’ temporary memory and permanent storage. I also answer questions on Quora.

Get in Touch with me!